Melvin AC Howell Melvin AC Howell

Unleash Your Inner Dancer: Defying Age and Embracing The Rhthym Of Life

Yet, somewhere along the way, a sinister myth crept in, whispering in our ears that dance is reserved for the young, the agile, the sprightly souls who haven't yet felt the weight of the years upon their shoulders. But today, my friends, we're here to shatter that myth into a million glittering fragments and unleash the unstoppable force of rhythm that resides within each and every one of us. So grab a hold of your dreams, turn up the music, and let's dive headfirst into the electrifying world of dance, where age is nothing but a number and passion knows no bounds!

Are you ready to kick off your shoes, throw caution to the wind, and dance like nobody's watching? Well, buckle up because we're about to embark on a journey that will challenge every notion you've ever had about age and dance. From the moment we take our first steps as toddlers, to the graceful movements of our golden years, dance is woven into the very fabric of our existence. Yet, somewhere along the way, a sinister myth crept in, whispering in our ears that dance is reserved for the young, the agile, the sprightly souls who haven't yet felt the weight of the years upon their shoulders. But today, my friends, we're here to shatter that myth into a million glittering fragments and unleash the unstoppable force of rhythm that resides within each and every one of us. So grab a hold of your dreams, turn up the music, and let's dive headfirst into the electrifying world of dance, where age is nothing but a number and passion knows no bounds!

Am I Too Old to Start Dancing?

Am I too old to start dancing? Am I too old to start dancing if I've never danced before? Can adults learn to dance if they didn't start as children? Can I still become proficient at dancing if I start in my 30s/40s/50s? How do I overcome self-consciousness about my age when starting to dance?

These are all valid questions! But... these questions were planted in your head with a mythical and falsified seed...a myth...that son of a myth! (See what I did there? XD)

Okay, focus! Let's debunk this myth!

     Where did this messed up and highly inaccurate ideology originate?

The idea that dance is only for younger people likely originated from societal norms and stereotypes that associate certain activities, like dance, with youthfulness and physical agility. Additionally, popular media often portrays dancers as young and glamorous, contributing to the perception that dancing is primarily for the young. However, this notion neglects the fact that dance can be enjoyed and pursued by individuals of all ages, with numerous benefits regardless of age.

     A Common example?

  Dance studios

  Most dance studios only offer classes for kids, and most of the time that's only for kids under the age of 18.



On a larger scale let's look at television:

How about the television show "So You Think You Can Dance". Did you know their age cut off is 30 years old?!

That's still so incredibly young! And thus, this perspective that shuts out so many from pursuing the beautiful art of dance, carries on through many aspects of social and societal norms.

Don't you think it's time to end this reign of negative and incorrect ideals around dance only being for those younger than 28?! Even for those adults just now beginning dance, IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO START DANCING! EVEN IF YOU WANT TO GO PROFESSIONAL WITH IT!

     Let me explain:

As we get older, from just a kid we are taught that only certain things are for kids and only certain things are for adults. When you're a kid "it's okay to do childish things like dance, swing on swings, play on playgrounds, learn gymnastics...DANCE..AGAIN." When you officially are viewed as an adult you are expected to leave behind all the things that once brought you joy and brought your body vitality as a kid, to succumb to less vibrant and expressive activity. What happens when you pursue these activities you once enjoyed as a kid? You're judged..and sometimes quite harshly. This can lead to embarrassment, feelings of shame, and questioning whether you're wrong for pursuing or wanting to pursue dance.



Now some of you may be thinking "I don't care what people think so much of me dancing, but is it physically safe for my body?"

Allow me to pose a few questions to you:

-> Would you say it's healthy to workout and exercise?

-> Would you say it's healthy to keep your heart healthy and active?

-> Would you say maintaining and improving your current level of mobility, balance, and strength is extremely important?

     NOW, if your answers to those questions were "YES", than there you have it. That's your answer. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO DANCE, no matter your age or if you are just starting dance.

If you answered "NO" to any of those questions I've posed, I encourage you to continue reading along with everyone else and I'm positive your perspective will shift strongly, for the better.

     Digging a bit deeper here's what we are going to focus on in today's blog post:

1. Am I too old to start dancing?

2. Can I still become proficient or a professional at dancing if I start in my 30s/40s/50s?

3. How do I overcome self-consciousness about my age when starting to dance?

     Because we already discussed age a bit, I'll make the first point quick.

     ☆Dance and movement came to humans before words did.☆ This means DANCE WAS OUR FIRST LANGUAGE. The language of the body. The language of storytelling. The language of commonality and common ground amongst individuals from all over the world. The language of celebration and fellowship. Dance is traced waaaaay back even before humans. Animals dance to celebrate and even attract their mate. It's deeper than age, Dance is a way of living and it's naturally an activity we all want to participate in, in one way or another. This isn't just coincidence, It's the way of life.

So are YOU too old to start dancing? NO.

2. "Can I still become proficient or a professional at dancing if I start in my 30s/40s/50s?"**

YES, It's all about focus, practice, training, and planning!

In short, if you're willing to put in the time, effort, focus, and planning you can become proficient at dance, or even a professional dancer.


There are varying levels of proficiency and professionalism when it comes to dance. This can also vary FOR YOU based on your body's current ability and mobility, strength, and range of motion.

This could mean the difference between becoming a professional dance performer, judge, coach, or a professional dance teacher. You can become professional, you just have to be real about which path of professional dancing you should take and what's actually possible for you. Considering this is a blog, I can't give you that answer. Honestly, no one can answer that for you. YOU KNOW YOU BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE.

Again, if you put in the time, energy, training, practice, focus, and planning. YOU CAN BECOME HIGHLY PROFICIENT AT DANCING! No matter whether professional or proficient, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT!

     We made it to our final Point. STICK WITH ME because THIS FINAL POINT IS THE MOST VITAL AND VALUABLE.

3. "How Do I overcome Self-consciousness about my age when starting to dance?"

The only way to overcome self-consciousness about your age when starting dance is to simply DANCE FOR YOU AND ONLY YOU!

When we try to dance, or do anything for that matter, for anyone but ourselves we end up putting sooo much weight on others' thoughts and opinions. This makes us afraid of being judged or viewed as silly, unprofessional, or child-like. When You unlock the ability to care less about others' opinion and begin to dance more for ONLY YOU, you'll start realizing how much faster you grow and how much more you truly enJOY dancing.

In Conclusion:


No matter whether you want to go professional or just dance because you enJOY it. YOU CAN DO IT! Go for it!

If you have any other questions or just want additional support and encouragement, REACH OUT!

I'd love to chat with you and hear your story and thoughts.

To see some adult folks busting a move here are some great and inspirational videos:

-> Elderly Swing Dancers

-> Middle Age Men on America’s Got Talent

-> Beginner Adult Lyrical Class

-> Middle Age Man: What’s Possible

Until Next time friends,

Peace, Love, and Dance

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